Implant Retained Dentures
Most experienced denture wearers will tell you that eating, speaking, and anything else that requires much mouth movement is difficult. Plus, denture adhesive paste is sticky and does not work well. Implants have been utilized for many years to stabilize dentures, but each case requires different implants and attachment techniques to work efficiently. Although these implants are used to anchor dentures, sometimes bone grafts or augmentation is still necessary. Our in-office equipment, such as the Planmeca ProMax 3D scanner can determine whether it is needed or not. When at all possible, we try to save teeth. However, there is a point when we decide to extract hopeless teeth and recommend implant retained dentures.

After Implant Retained Dentures
While mini implants have gained popularity due to their smaller size and ability to eliminate the need for bone grafts, they often fall short of providing the long-term durability and stability that patients deserve. Brands like Imtec MDI and Intralock offer quick fixes for denture stabilization, especially for those with bone loss, but they are not as reliable as traditional implants. Mini implants, due to their reduced size, may not provide the same level of support or longevity, making them more prone to failure over time.
At Dental365 – , we believe in offering our patients the best, most dependable solutions. Traditional implants, even with just two placed, provide superior stability for dentures or partial dentures, improving both function and comfort. They also promote healthy bone by stimulating the surrounding tissue, which can prevent further bone loss.
Our state-of-the-art facility and highly skilled team ensure that every patient receives the highest quality care. We take pride in meticulous planning and precise execution, ensuring your implants are designed to last and give you the confidence to smile, eat, and speak with ease. When it comes to your dental health, we don’t compromise. Trust us to deliver the best, most long-lasting results possible.

Jawbone deterioration is a common challenge for edentulous (toothless) patients, making dentures increasingly difficult to wear. At Dental365 – , we focus on preserving your jawbone by stimulating it with implants, ensuring greater stability and comfort.
For optimal retention, we often recommend using four implants instead of two, which can eliminate the need for a palate. Once the implants fuse to the bone through osseointegration, secure attachments (like Zest Anchors or Sterngold ERA attachments) are placed to “snap” your dentures into place, providing a comfortable, secure fit. These advanced attachments allow easy removal without disturbing the implants and withstand the high pressure of chewing.
With the expert care of Dr. Koeppel, Dr. Gianuzzi, and Dr. Gohari, our patients receive the best solutions for stability, function, and long-term success. Your smile and comfort are our priority!
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